Nordbygg 10-13 April 2018
ISG will be attending Nordbygg 2018 on 10-13th April. Nordbygg is Northern Europe´s largest and most important construction industry event!
Visit us at stand C15:20 where we will be providing samples of our doors (aluminum, steel, stainless steel, steel profile), presentation of the company possibilities and technical information. Our managers will answer all questions and provide information of interest.
Nordic Forum, Stockholm
In Nordic Forum, Stockholm, Kista, project we used steel profile system "Stalprofil" SP59000 Zink warm profile doors and showcases
Growth and development
We are investing money into upgrading our factory with machinery to have bigger capacity and to automate as possible more actions
Water tightness EA1200
We changed some details on doors which allowed us to successfully test our steel doors. We achieved the highest Water tightness value of EA1200 (1200Pa pressure)
Sports changing rooms
Our brightly colored steel doors for ‘’Sports changing rooms’’ project in Ireland